
Friday 5 August 2011

Tha famous fresh, preservative free pizza base

As promised here is the post about Julians gluten free pizza bases. I will include the menu in the main meals sections but I thought that this deserved its own post just on the bases and the process.

Now as you know from the previous post, I was very excited to find that you can actually buy these bases from somewhere very local to me.

Now as I have been diagnosed as a coeliac since last May, so in this time, I have eaten numerous pizzas, from a variety of different restaurants, including gourmet and the good old Domino's (about the only chain restaurant to my knowledge that do the gf bases).

Honestly everyone of those pizzas that I have eaten, gourmet included, haven't honestly tasted as good as Julians gf base! Now I'm not just saying that to be nice, I'm being honest, it was so very delicious. And I'm not getting paid to do this post at all, so definitely telling the truth!

I have to say it wasn't cheap, that was the one down fall, one base cost around $7, which to be honest at first I gulped at, but it was totally worth it. Even just to read the ingredients and know that there are no preservatives, the bases was stored in the fridge not the shelf, so obviously not full of nasty things.

But the best thing of all there were no numbers attached to the ingredients list! Which was completely different to my husbands gluten base, there were several numbers. Now numbers generally mean additives and chemicals, which I hate that we are putting these in our body, they have to be doing some damage.  Honestly its disgusting to think of some of the things that are allowed in food products! And we eat them and wonder why people develop cancer and various other life threatening diseases at alarming rates in the past 50 years. And for those of you with children on the gf diet, extra preservatives is definitely something you want to avoid if possible! So for the extra few dollaras definately well worth getting to avoid those nasties that are added to the cheaper bases.

Anyway back to the pizza, it was the best base I had ever eaten! Joe from Julian's pizza had suggested to cook it just on the oven rack, it cooks the pizza better that way, and Poppa Smurf's (my husband) pizza was underneath, so that avoided cleaning the bits off the oven!

You know how when you make pizza yourself, the hardest thing is to cut it, you have to use the sharpest knife, and the pizza cutters they come with never work, then what looks like a lovely pizza ends up all mangled! Well the blade cut right through, a sure sign that the pizza was going to be good!

When you check out the recipe in the main meals, I did an antipasto type pizza, with meat and olives and sun dried tomatoes((both of which I love but Poppa Smurf hates), which means I didn't have to share.

But with every mouthful I was in heaven. It made me realise that the local restaurants, even the ones that charge a fortune for gourmet pizzas, they are using the supermarket GF bases, full of all those nasty numbers, because I have never, ever, tasted something so yummy!

So definitely well worth the few extra dollars to buy the base, and you are buying preservative free and from a local Sydney business. I will contact Joe from Julians directly and see if its possible for the individual to order things online, or if its more for orders on a larger scale. I'll keep you posted of course.

Remember that list of stockist is attached directly to this hyperlink. Home-made pizzas are an easy, relatively cheap dinner, try it this weekend.

See the main meals for the recipe.