Monday, 12 March 2012

Diet as a coeliac

Today I start a diet, my first proper diet in 30 years! I'm reducing the meds which have caused weight gain and I want to be as healthy as possible! It's a high protein diet something that will make me eat more than I have done before! It's a six week diet regime, so I finished my last night of freedom with a massive bowl of ice cream, filed with crushed nuts and caramel topping. It almost made me feel sick! But I had to get that last bit of freedom in. I'm sure that after this 6 weeks is over, I won't be craving ice cream as much, but then again my sweet tooth is pretty promiment.

This new diet calls at times for lean cuisines, filled with gluten, here's my challenge. What to do?? I'm going to make healthy lunches based on what the packages call for. So instead of instant frozen dinners, I will be making an alternative healthy dish. It got me thinking, how to you do a diet like Lite and Easy for example when you are a coeliac? Have you been on one of the big diets and have they or have they not catered to your gluten free needs?

Thankfully with this diet, the only things I have to alter is the frozen meals which I have no problem making my own. Morning and afternoon snacks in the first week call for eating 4-5 pieces of ham or turkey and a piece of low fat cheese, much more than I would usually have, I looked through the pages of the book and in a few weeks I'll be eating gf rice porridge, smoothie, bacon and eggs! I think I will expolode!

I will keep you updated on my diet, I ate today rice porridge for breakfast with a cup of tea, morning tea was, a tin of tuna on 2 rice cakes (my normal lunch), lunch was meant to be the lean cuisine or my alternative but I wasn't feeling that well so I ate the cold meat I was meant to eat for breakfast, 4-5 pieces of turkery, 1 piece of low fat Jalsberg cheese (there was meant to be avacado but it was over-ripe, I will now have 5 pieces of ham and 1 piece of Jalsberg Cheese and Chicken and vegetables for dinner with an apple for a snack.

Have you ever been on medication that has made you put on weight? I can fit into the majority of clothes but have gone up several bras sizes and my curves are bigger. I actually had a doctor for the first time in my life tell me I was overweight. The 15 year old in me, wanted to purge the iced chocolate I had eaten prior, but the 30 year old in me kicked in and I told him I don't think someone who fits into size 10 clothing is overweight (this was the first time he had met me!) He recalled his statement. But young women reading this, don't take to heart the silly things some doctors say. I remember a 20 year old friend who's doctor mentioned her size 10 frame was overweight, she dove straight back into an extreme eating disorder, being more a size 6-8! Doctor's need to think about their words and the affect they have on women. Even after the visit, I could here thoses words, your overweight, replaying in my head.

So ladies or gents, how have your managed a commercial diet being a coeliac? and have you have a doctor tell you you need to loose weight when they are very wrong? Have you been on a medication that a side affect makes you put on weight? I'd love to hear your stories.